Postmodernısm & Jean Baudrıllard


                                                                                                                    Cihan Altınbaş 

                                                                            Marmara University, Department of Sociology



             Humanity has always improved their abilities and they have reflection of their ideas. The ideas cover the whole world and postmodernism is the way of looking to the world, it shapes the people’s life. In this article, we will try to explain postmodernism in details and we will discuss this notion by offering examples from media and culture with the Jean Baudrillard ideas.

              First of all, we explain the what is the modernity and effects of the modernity. Modernity is the way of the rational thinking and it happened 19th and 20th centuries. Industrial revolution, enlightenment and positivist activities shaped the role of the modernity in the world. The world started to think rational and they threw up the abstract ideas such as religion.  This action happened because past includes the underdeveloped ideas and it is not working for the producing more effective and real ideas. The way of development can happen with the modernity, also the secular idea and having better conditions are one of the main points for the modernity. Capitalism was born when progress in production and consumption was desired and because of the efficient distribution of capital. For example, the production of the television is having only one or two options so the producers can produce more and people find easily so this the efficient and rational way of the production and consumption.  The general ideas became true for each event and secular, modern person must act according to his/her nation. Modernity aimed to find the easiest and fastest way to progress and development together with logic.

               Postmodernism is characterized as an increased disillusionment and detachment from the values and ideals represented by modernism (Nas, 2020). After the two World War, people start to question to the modernity and the media tools separated the whole world in 1950s. And in postmodernist idea, mass media and popular culture are most important role for shaping and control social relations. It is apparent that developments in technology and communications have had significant effects on the speed with which information, images and people can be transported around the world (Dominic Strinati, 1995). Media needs to advertisement for continuing and this advertisement can be about everything. With these advertisements, society became more digital and digital world cause the consumption world in physical or mental. The consumption happens in physical goods and it also start to exploit the emotions. People start buy something for just image, people start to be happy when they consume. The rational thinking disappeared and modernity turned to postmodernity because of the mass media and advertisement. The images and looking affected to people in a short time badly. The benefit of the good became less important and goods were just bought by the people. Another side of the postmodernity is metanarratives and the metanarratives claims that are making universal, absolute, all embracing to knowledge and truth (religion, nation, Modernism, Marxism, science, art) (Nas, 2020). People saw the bad effect of the world war and these wars were rational. For this reason, the modernity is not including only rationality and progress, it also brings desire for the people so the understanding of the place and time became problematic. People turned to nostalgic and supernatural narratives and the history started to seem as a main driver of future progress. The history was not a symbol of backwardness, just the opposite victory. For example, the historical series, movies became more popular and they are watching by the billions such as Muhteşem Yüzyıl, Tudors, Payitaht and so on. From the postmodern point of view, contemporary cinema indulges in nostalgia, living off its past, ransacking it for ideas, recycling its images and plots and cleverly alluding to it in self-conscious postmodern parodies (Dominic Strinati, 1995). Modernity aims to secular and materialist world and they seem as an against to the religion. However, the secular people are doing yoga, despite the religion because religion is kind of yoga activity but the postmodernism open the way of mental, soul kinds activity. In modernity, people need to be educated by someone and it is seeming normal. Postmodernism against this idea, not conceptual but the idea of giving education from someone is bad thing. On the other hand, O ses Turkiye is one of the biggest watching programs in Turkey and it is not teaching anything, it just a popular. The Trt Arşiv shows that the modernity is require rational thinking and try to teach something to the people. Or people don’t like the TicToc but after some time, people start to use it and they attend to watch lots of tictocs because everybody do this action. Another example is Kemal Sunal’s movies, the character tries to escape in bad situation with the rational thinking and shows the how to be modern. But, Recep İvedik movies only aim to laugh to people and there is no teaching part in the movies. Also, even Recep İvedik movies include historical issues so it is shows that the importance of the history in postmodernism. Modernist idea aims that the conceptual, determine to identity of people so people have identity with belongs to groups which modernist fragmentation. With the postmodernism people start to define themselves with their own perspectives. The traditional collective identities are disappearing step by step and people try to find their own identities. This finding can be paradoxical because sometimes people support the opposite ideas, just they want. For example, Christians, Muslims supporter in the LGBT+ actions in the USA or the whole world. It can be happening with postmodernism. Another example for this paradoxical supporting is secular Muslims, secularism is thinking without religion but they support both of them. The last part of the postmodernism is building hyperreality, the realty created for the represent the reality. It can be built by the media and this created reality put the eyes of the people; people start to have dilemma what is the true. The Disneyland shows the people another reality, it is the cartoon reality but people believe this reality when they are inside of the Disneyland. Trump and Paris Climate Agreement, Trump leave this agreement and reject the climate problems and he create another hyperreality. People believe this idea and it supported by the fake news. Another one is about illness of Covid-19, the effect of this virus occurred in China and the Trump say that it is Chinese Virus so it is so dangerous but he said that. The political problems lead to this action, this is another creation of hyperreality because it not about the Chinese, it just about the humanity population. The Truman Show, Jim Carry born in fake world and he cannot understand it is fake, but he lives in hyperreality. End of the film, he recognizes it is hyperreal, he left this world and he reached the real reality. Media is the main element of the hyperreality and they try to change reality with creating another reality.

                The hyperreality created with the simulacra according to the Jean Baudrillard, the simulacra happen with the truth of representation claims. He identifies three stages in the making of a simulation; The first there is a loyal copy and this is reflection of the real one. This means that the difference between real and copy can understand easily, people can recognize this difference in a short time and it happens in premodern era. Second stage is perversion of reality, the seeing original and seeing copy one is not same thing. Original one is unfaithful so the production of the art copy causes the losing aura of the original one. For example, seeing original the last supper table is unique but the seeing pictures belongs to it, not same thing. The last one is masking the absence of reality, a sign pretends to be faithful copy, but it is a copy with no original and it happens in postmodern era (Nas, 2020). Also, it is pure simulacrum because there is no any relationship between sign and reality. The best example is Disneyland and it is equal to simulacra. There is no reality in Disneyland and everything is about creation, illusion. But the main fact to pull the people to the Disneyland is real America. Disneyland dream is kind of machine and it aims to revive reality fiction so it related to the childish feeling. Disneyland aims to hide where childhood can be found everywhere, and people believe that the Disneyland is real and unique. Disneyland is presented as imaginary in order to make us believe that the rest is real, whereas all of Los Angeles and the America that surrounds it are no longer real, but belong to the hyperreal order and to the order of simulation (Jean Baudrillard, 1981). People bring their children to have fun but adults also feed the child inside, they want to be childish. Other nice example is The Loud Family tv show. This program shows to people how to be American family, the requirements of the being American family. They try to create a model for the people and this is just a show but it works. People start to behave like model American family. Because being normal family is equal to the model one. Another example is RPG (Role Play Games), people create their own character and the game give changes to people create their own world with their own desires. The one of the first games is World of Warcraft, this game present huge virtual world and people (gamer) create their own world, own character how they want. Sometimes, they can lose in the game and they forget their own real life so the dilemma starts what is the real one. There some examples about games, people who die playing video games.

               There is huge problem about postmodernism which is called Big Data, Web 4.0, posthumanism and transhumanism. The social media platforms collect the data’s which belongs to the people and they have change to use these data for manipulating to people dramatically. For example, Facebook sell the information to company about the people and they punished but this shows the harm of the collection of the data to humanity. Another example is Black Mirror, it shows to people how they watch, surveillance and control by someone. It shows the problems which can be happen in the future. Also, we see lots of movies about the robots and they try to bring end of the humanity so artificial intelligence another side of postmodernism. The internet shows people what they want and they collect their data for creating a web story. The advertisement shows by the internet and these advertisements are coming from people interests, they listen their voices and learn their interests. The half robot, half human movies have more interests and these are watching by the people. People think that this will be happen and the world is going to this future. Also, people try to find endless life or using their ability more effective so the movies use this idea. Moreover, the posthumanism and transhumanism take place in the cinema sector.

                  In conclusion, we tried to explain postmodernism in this article. The advantages and disadvantages number cannot be comparing. This world is postmodernist and it causes and affects to people lives directly or indirectly. The details of postmodernism can be dangerous but at the same time it can be useful for people’s life. The good or bad cannot say for postmodernism, we just tried to explain what is the postmodernism in details and we discussed this notion by offering examples from media and culture with the Jean Baudrillard ideas.







·       Dominic Strinati, “Postmodernism, contemporary popular culture and recent theoretical developments” in An Introduction to Theories of Popular Culture. London & New York: Routledge (1995). pp. 209-233.

·       Jean Baudrillard (1981), Excerpts from Simulacra and Simulation, Michigan University Press.

·       Alparslan Nas (2020, 12 25), Media & Postmodernism lecture slides.


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