Humanity has always produced some sciences from beginning of the life
and people improve their abilities, skill with these year by year. One of
important science is social sciences and the social sciences based on the
communication. For this reason, people has produced some theories about the
communication, so they used the media for the communication after the 18th
century. The media has improved the communication theories. According to John
Fiske, there are mainly two schools in media theories; which are Process School
and Semiotic School. Today, we will try to explain these schools and their
differences with the giving examples semiotic school perspective.
First of all, the communication is exchange of emotions, thoughts,
behaviors and information between sender and receiver. The exchange happens
between person or group of people, this activity came from the beginning of the
human exist. The communication used the media in a historical; photography,
telegraph, film, radio, television and the internet. The communication cannot
think without signs and codes, because these codes and signs are practice of
the social relationship. The signs are signifying the something and the codes
is a system which manage the reflection, relationship of these signs and
meaning of the codes are system of the common meaning among each cultures or
subcultures, it is unique symbols for the people who belongs to own unique
culture. Also, there must be a channel which the connection of the
communication tools such as radio waves, telephone cables and so on. The way of
transforming the message into a signal that can transmit across the channel in
technical or physical is called medium. (Alparslan Nas, 2020, 6) Also, a person
who a presenter is showing a photo via television; using the presentational
media as the face and the voice, using the representational media as a
photograph and using the mechanical media as a television.
first school is The Process School. The first sees communication as the
transmission of messages. It is concerned with how senders and receivers encode
and decode, with how transmitters use the channels and media of communication
(Fiske, 1990, 2). This school focuses on
the efficiency and accuracy and the senders affect the receiver thinking or
behavior because the senders send the message and receiver interprets the
message her/his own words. The basic explanation of this school is looking the
communication as a process and the senders send their message without any
thought about receiver. The receiver actions or reactions don’t important for
the senders, it is the basic transmission of the messages. For this reason,
there are some main elements which are sender, receiver, channel, media,
decoding and encoding. If the process of the communication happens wrong,
communication can not happen well and failure occurs. Namely, if it would be
expected, the communication failure happens. For example, the artistic novel
written by the writer and the writer creates his own symbols, motives with
his/her emotions so the receiver cannot understand like writer, the receiver
comments the message with own emotions. The receiver seems free in this school
and this school called as linear school and it makes use of sociology and
psychology in general.
second school is The Semiotic School. This school sees communication as the
production and exchange of meanings. It is concerned with how messages, or
texts, interact with people in order to produce meanings; that is, it is
concerned with the role of texts in our culture. It uses terms like
signification, and does not consider misunderstandings to be necessarily
evidence of communication failure- they may result from cultural differences
between sender and receiver (Fiske, 1990,2). It is the mixture of the signs,
symbols and messages because there is an expectation communication here. The
sender sends the message and expect a specific reaction from the receive, but
there is no failure in this school because the culture can be different between
receiver and sender. The culture affects the meaning of the words, behaviors,
thoughts, so the sender wants to say good something but the receiver can
understand bad something because of her/his cultural background. However, it is
not seeing as a failure, there is sensibility in this school. For example, the
sign of the V. The V has mostly a meaning peace, seeing as a peace sign, but in
different countries can give different meaning this sign such as Australia and
South Africa give meaning to the V as a disrespect behavior, if this sign is
done in public sphere by people. Also, there is meaning in Ethiopia as a
supporter of the specific political party called ‘’Kinijit’’. In Turkey, we
have the same meaning in political area, if you do this sign as a group, it can
be understood supporter of the politic party HDP. Also, it makes use
linguistics and arts in general.
There are some models about these schools, we will discuss the
differences between schools with these models. First model is Shannon and
Weawer’s model is that it is a simple linear process and there are three levels
of problems in the study of communication: Level A (technical problems) is that
how accurately can the symbols of communication be transmitted? level b
(semantic problems) is that how precisely do the transmitted symbols convey the
desired meanings? and level c (effectiveness problems) is that how effectively
does the received meaning affect conduct in the desired way? (Fiske, 1990, 6-7). In this model, sender try
to send the all information to the receiver in a given channel, the noise
concept used in this theory first time. For example, when person speak with the
friend, he says that I hate this guy, do you? , but the friend understood only
I hate. In process school, friend can ask that who do you hate. In Newcomb’s
Model, there is relationship between people and they have common social
environment. Explain with the last example, she starts to hate this guy new and
he heard this action. She and he connect each other, so he starts to hate this
guy too. In conclusion, she can have cultural background and she start to hate
the guy just because of it, so if he has the same social environment, he will
hate too. On the other hand, when she said that hate sentences, she wants to
say the whole but he understood different because of the noise or he reflect
different meaning of this action with his own words. In minimal-effects model
which cannot change the people’s behavior, and expose the people messages which
already most familiar. It is semiotic model because there is no change and they
already know this behavior which see in the advertisement, so they just remain
this behavior. Another model is uses and gratification model is that use the
media for people’s emotions. So, this model is the process model because they
give a message and the receivers take a message with their own words. It is
more individual according to the other model. Moreover, the social learning
model is attending to people act aggressively, there are four steps: attention
(seeing part), retention (remembering), motor reproduction (imitation the
violent) and motivation (there must be social reward and encourages the model
of this behavior) (Christopher R. Martin & Bettina Fabos, et all, 2014,
464). For this model, people can attend to violence directly and they see the
violence at advertisement, movies so they imitate this behavior just they
directly understand this according to the process school. On the other hand,
the violence come from the group which receiver belongs, the receiver imitates
this behavior because of it is coming from the groups, culture. Another theory
is the spiral of silence is coming from the Asch researches. People have
different ideas in society, but they behave like other members of the society
so it causes that the false decisions, overrated majorities. The people have
common ideas and there is no different idea in the society so having different
idea is voice of silence. They cannot occur in the society, so they use their
cultural requirements.
Lastly, we will analyze the Garanti Bank advertisement which published
in 2016 about the Father’s Day. The analyze in contain the Semiotic School
perspective. The advertisement mainly about the relationship between daughter
and father, and it is including difficulties of being girl. Moreover, there is
a deep relationship and trust between father and daughter. First scene is that
father and daughter sit in the chair in principal room and they seem in front
of the principal of school which the girl’ school. The principal is yelling and
saying that everyone could whistle but Yağmur could not. Is the classroom the
place to whistle, Mr.Mehmet’’ and The father say that I am so sorry and I will
show the how the whistle can do after the departed this place. Then, the father
starts to show really how to whistle do without any yelling. The father does
not get angry and he just show how to do it. This scene shows us that the
fathers have really deep love against the daughters and the yelling is not a
solution for the children. Also, the father seems modern from the middle class
because they are not use the minibus for transportation, they use the taxi and,
the advertisement shoots probably in İstanbul. Also, the father say that don’t
use it in a classroom, if you do it, they get angry. The father says these
sentences politely. After that, the little girl getting caught pressing all the
bells and the neighbor warns her. The father and the girl come each other at
night and the father give a tactics about the pressing bell. This shows that
every father has to work and only see their children at night and they can not
get angry to them. When they are not with them, they want to protect their
children like all Turkish fathers. Another scene is that the girl broke the
ship model which belongs to boy’s father, and the boy say that I will say you
to my father, he will get angry and yell to you. The girl tries to repair model
but it is not working. End of the scene, the guy say that my father will teach
you your lesson and it change another scene with the lesson word from the
daughter’s father. It shows that the boys are not see politely behaviors from
their fathers. Also, the boys have certain trust to their fathers and they have
believed that physical strength can be the solution to everything from
beginning of the child. Then the father tries to show how to play football but
he kicks the ball and the ball hits the car. So, they run to their homes. This scene shows that every father has
interest football and they want to teach their children. In this scene, there
is criticism about the football in good and bad way. Good one is that the
father wants to teach football his daughter and girls can play football too.
Bad way is that every father wants to have a boy and teach the football. The
last scene is that the mother is yelling the daughter for drawing the picture
on the cabinet, but the girl draws the mom in this picture. Also, the mother
uses the warning way of father word. Then father came and turn the cabinet. The
father say that draw again but draw me this time. End of the advertisement. The
analyze of the advertisement is that the society has already cultures about the
father and the daughter relationship. The daughter always trusts their fathers
because the fathers are their heroes. The family relationship is strength in
Turkish culture so they use this idea. The audiences can find these
conclusions; the family structures, violence is not a solution, daughter can do
everything, both boys and daughters need happy environment, the street culture
is not stop, fathers have deep love and sometimes cannot reflect these feelings
and so on. These are details of the advertisement because there lots of messages
in the advertisement for this conclusion. These messages for the same cultural
context. On the other hand, the more classic families see their daughters for
serving. So, they give different messages to them but it will be in a good way
because the importance of the daughter is the point of this advertisement.
As a result, we looked definition of the Process School and the Semiotic
School. Moreover, the differences between each other and discussed these
differences by defining different theories and we gave an example to the
Semiotic School perspective by analyzing an advertisement semiotically. In my
opinion, the media has huge communication theories and ways, we should attend
these theories for having a good world. Namely, we should use the media in
creating a great world. The cultural differences can occur some problems but it
is not big deals.
· John
Fiske (1990) ‘’Communication Theory’’ & ‘’Other Models’’, in Introduction
to Communication Studies, 2nd Edition, New York: Routledge, pp.6-18
· Christopher
R. Martin & Bettina Fabos (2014) ‘’Media &Culture: Mass Communication
in a Digital Age’’, Boston & New York Bedford/St. Marthins
· Assoc.
Prof. Alparslan Nas (2020), Classical Theories of Communication slides, p 5-6
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