Humanity has always produced some
sciences from beginning of the life. People improve their abilities, skills
with these year by year. One of the important sciences is social science and it
try to learn in deep information about society, people and person. The most
historical and significant one is Sociology. They have used the sociology in
every time period. Because, humanity must be examined by someone for improving.
Sociology exists with the people so there are lots of subtitles under the
sociology; one of the important titles is Feminism. In this article, we will
explain the Feminist theory and gender roles in the society. Also, we will
analyze the film ‘’Mustang’’ based on the Feminist Theory.
First of all, the main purpose
is feminism is that men and women should be economically, culturally, socially
and politically equal and organized (resistance movement activism) on behalf of
this principle. Before the explain the theory, we should explain these key
Sex is biological difference between women
and men. It is only about the biological difference between men and women.
Gender is behaviors or attitudes that a
society consider what is proper for male or female. It differs from the sexes
in this way, because of the biological difference, the society has idea about
the sexes and what their stick roles in the society. The cultural norms already
exist without any changing so this construct the society with unchangeable rules.
Also, the media has important role for this constructing action. This is the
easiest way to separate the gender roles.
In this theory, there are
three waves which has historical and theoretical information in itself.
The first wave focuses on that
gain voting and property rights for women. This wave happened in the 19th
and beginning of the 20th centuries in US and western European
countries. However, this wave did not accept the all women because only white
upper-class women abled to use these rights. The first voting right occurred in
New Zealand. After, this affected other countries and most of the countries
joined the New Zealand in early 20th century.
The second wave gained momentum
after the 1960s. It mainly focused on the broader inequalities and the struggle
of the sexual freedom in terms of the differences between women sexuality and
fertility. It aimed that gender roles be eliminated and gender superiority
should not be discussed between men and women because they argued that women
see as an object in public sphere and they dominated by the men in patriarchal
system. There were four main feminist movement in the second wave, which are Liberal
Feminism, Socialist Feminism, Marxist Feminism and Radical Feminism.
Liberal Feminism is one of the
important movements in second wave. The aim is that equality of men and women
could be achieved by legal reforms. These reforms must be about the
inequalities of sex which are gender pay gap, reproductive rights, abortion
rights etc. They protest the idea of ‘’women are insufficient in politics,
education etc.’’ and they tried to modify to this false information which spread
all over society.
Marxist Feminism emerged from
the confluence of Marxism and Feminism. The capitalist relationship and exploitations
of the domestic labor is the big problem for this wave. They argue that the
domestic labor is not a class and they are seeming source of free worker. In
this system, they don’t have any capitalist class and they cannot earn anything
from this system. Moreover, they have to free care to family member so they are
most exploited ones in the society under the capitalism. For this reason, they
think that if the capitalist system falls down, the class society will
disappear so gender inequality will become equal and normal as it should be.
Socialist Feminism has a role as a bridge between Marxist Feminism
and Radical Feminism; Marxist Feminism focused on the capitalism and Radical
one focused on the patriarchal society so the socialist feminism against to
priority of the class pressure despite the patriarchal system. Moreover, it argues
that there are lots of inequality in both public sphere and domestic sphere so
this view showed that both of these ideas are true and we need to focus both
them. This idea against the exploitation of women in patriarchal system as well
as capitalist system.
Radical Feminism argues that
women is crushed under the patriarchal society so they think that the main
problem is men has priority and power in the society more then women. The only
difference between men and women is sex so they try to explain that gender is
not important and that everyone is equal as a human being. Also, the whole
women feel this pressure all over the society, despite their various races,
classes. For this reason, the society must be change and arrange again in political,
cultural for the establishing genderless society.
The third wave started in the
1990s and continue today. This wave refuses the second wave and they occurred
because there were lots of aimless organizations and movements about the white
women rights in the 60-80s. The equality does not discriminate between any
race, class or cultural background, and the equality must be valid for every
woman all over the world. (The second wave only defended the white women
rights) This wave aims to spread the idea of equality of women to all over the
world and this can happen without any limitations. Every woman can find the
feminism under their own conditions so there is no macro level conditions. So,
this wave can be seen as an continue the second wave or opposite response of
it. There are four movements which existed under the third wave feminism;
Womenism, Intersectionality, Ecofeminism and Postmodernist Feminism.
Feminism firstly existed for the
property rights, then it turned to white women rights side so the Womenism
argues that the Feminism is not only about the white (upper-class) women, this
is the world-wide idea so the feminism must cover the all women.
There is a connection between
oppressive institution which are racism, islamophobia, homophobia, sex, class,
ethnicity etc. These are intermingled each other and these cannot be examined
one by one. The theory claims that every member of society should be equal chances
to achieve politics or economic power.
In the ecofeminism, women and nature cannot
separate each other and they are close historically. So, they think that women
can reach the freedom with the nature. It’s kind of mix of the nature and women
because both of them are dominated by men.
Postmodernist Feminism argues that the
gender can change, it is not a static and unchanging structure. It always not
constructs same as before and it change from society to society and time to
time. Also, the geography affects this constructing.
After this lock down, the girls
came across requirements of their roles in the society; what they do, how
should behave, what they wear and so on. They learnt answers all these
questions and they were educated by the other old women for how to be
‘’normal’’ girl. The being ‘’normal’’ happens like that women should respect
and serve the men and every domestic works should done by the women. The all
distractor things eliminated and the girls have only themselves for sociality
because they see same people, rules, behaviors etc. They have a little bit
freedom in their room, they can behave without seeing any pression in their
room. Also, the Lale wanted to watch critique football match because he loves
the football. However, she asked uncle to watch the match at the stadium with
him but there is no permission for this action because the watching football
game is seeming as a men job in the society. At the same time, the women only
watch the marriage programs, cooking programs and these are not watch by the
men. One day, the match blocked for the men audience and only women and
children can go to watch the match at the stadium. The blocking reason was
using bad words and collective violence so the women got chance to watch
football. The watching action can happen under the patriarchy because when they
men cannot go to stadium; the women could be going. One woman said on the
television ‘’Thank to our men for this action’’ It is kind of speech act
because the ideas can say easily with speaking. It showed us that when the men
acted in a bad way, the women continue to support them and the pressure of
patriarchy can feel more and more with this sentence. Then, the grandmother saw
them on the television, suddenly the women come together and acted as a one and
they cut off the electric because the girls should not seem by the men. This
shows us that the women have collaboration each other. After that, the real
prison started for the girls and the grandmother took a decision which about
the marriage. Therefore, the grandmother took away the girls to center of the
village; seeming by the men and mothers because this action means that we have
girls, they arrived the marriage age so you can come and want them from us to
your men. This is kind of bazaar; this is sad but the girls will marriage
without any pleasure their partners. This is cultural action and it can be
seeming harmless but the women requests are ignored. Also, they wear the same
clots which hide all their bodies. It kind of fabrication of the women in village
and made to cover their sexual attraction.
Additionally, the girls lived
ten years in the village but they don’t have any idea about the village life in
cultural context. They knew that they should not fun with guys but they had fun
and they don’t have any idea about domestic works until the lock down. This
causes the problem in the mind to understand the movie. It feels as if the
girls did not stay in the village for ten years and were left in the village at
the beginning of the movie. Moreover, the men come their home and anybody can
not saw them, it is a little bit confused the audiences. Also, this lock down
can seem as a prison but this is kind of imposing the ideas to the children.
Namely, the children got family ideas which political, religion, character etc.
This lock down shows this idea, child become like mother/father. The chancing
is so least.
After that, the girls married
one by one. The oldest one found a way to protect the virginity, its kind of
resistance of the culture. The happiest one can be her because only she
marriage with the man she loves. Especially the second one is critique because
when she slept with her husband, the parents were waiting in front of the door
for take the sheet. However, there is no blood after the sex so the virginity
lost before or is still remain. This is the controlling of the virginity. If
she doesn’t have the virginity problem which hymen does not open, maybe she
will be killed by the husband because the respect is important issue in the
society as a patriarchy, how men control and manage to own women. Also, there
is problematic uncle in the story because he is incest and he abuse the girls
at nights when they sleep. He abuses the nieces but there is no speech about
this abuse because this kind of conservation should not be happening in the
house among family members. The
grandmother knows this problem and she try to block this action. Actually, she
only talked about this action is problem and it must be happening in this house
but he knows that he will maintain this action because he is man. He doesn’t
have any pressure from the society and people can not learn this action because
the girl’s words don’t have any value against men. We see the patriarchy
between mother and son. For this reason, the third sibling committed suicide
because her uncle affects her life and she doesn’t have any help from society,
grandmother or others about the sexual harassment. After that, the youngest two
siblings escaped from the house and they went İstanbul. The Lale had address
which belongs to her teacher and the teacher is the sing of the we should learn
and we must change with education, modernity. The Lale showed a stand against
the system, we see in this movie. She and her sibling escaped this system but
the gender roles continue in this system. Also, there is character which the
has a red car and called as Yasin in the movie and this guy seem homosexual
person in the society because of him long hair. The long hair belongs to women
in cultural context so this guy can’t find job easily, respect from the
In conclusion, we see the effects
of gender roles in the all society; from football to politics, media to daily
life every part of the society. The conservative society has so many blocks for
the feminism and it start to change one by one. If we want to equal and normal
society, there must be political change. The media should stop to show the
women as a community crushed under patriarchy and the culture can not change
suddenly but the changing come with the education. The girls don’t have
education so they learn to survive in this cultural context with the gender
roles given to them. Of course, the culture is unique context but the modern
world produced the feminism for the all different cultures. It must be and It
will be. Also, the women which help to patriarchic system must be stopped by
the others because if they continue to help this system, the world can not be
change and the feminism cannot be separate the all societies. The correct
language and movements in political area will bring to equal society.
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