Political Culture and Political Participation Behavior
has always influenced mentally by other things and one of the important affects
is political culture and it cause the individual political movement, actions. The
system of government come from the society so the political culture aims to be
legitimate and it must be determined by the own citizen. How people understand
the state culturally and how they act against to state. Then, it determines the
course of the state and this course is shaped by the political behavior of its
citizen. This article includes the definition of the political culture which is
belongs to the Verba and Almond and the examples of the affection political
culture to the political participations.
First of all, we will start with the
study of political culture belongs to the Verba and Almond, it is about the
five political systems in five different countries which are Mexico, USA,
Britain, Germany and Italy. This study shows that citizen must be feel the
value of the system and the success of the system related with the political
culture. The USA and Britain are successful because they have democratic system
and the system works very well to balanced the culture and institution
relationship. On the other hand, Germany failed to use the political culture
system so they reach the authoritarian regime and Nazism occurred in the
Germany. Also, it doesn’t need to be match any political view and the political
understanding can see belongs to the political power but they are not same
thing, there are lots of another affects in the society. Rational choose became
less important in the society so the classes, races, genders became less important
too and they ignore these powers, they focus the supporting of the Liberal
system. Also, the civic culture built on the elitist view and the hierarchic
system occurred. Also, the hegemonic power can control, scare to citizen. This
study aims to reflect the society but countries need to regulate the
relationship between state and civil society. For this reason, people attend to
feel the historical background because of the postmodernism but the
all-cultural backgrounds which are believes, norms, thoughts are changing and
every citizen must understand one by one so the political attendance must
disseminate. The all of these explanations of the political culture.
Another fact to understand the political
culture is citizenship. It is a
requirement and it means that the feeling of the part of the political
institutions. The citizenship can understand only with the internal and
external combination of environmental factors like political culture as
political culture. Namely, these factors can come from inside or outside. For
example, the migration affects to the country as we see in Turkey so it can
cause the economical, cultural problems in the society. So, the citizenship
understanding can affect from this event, it can change the relationship of
state and citizenship. The Liberal idea support that the citizen can not cover
direct mission, responsibility, this feeling can not contact with the citizen,
they argue that idea. Social scientist against this idea because if the social
morality work, continue in the society, it must be wanting from the citizen.
Also, this state has to regulate the blanks about culture and it must be
support by the state for creating an understanding of citizenship. The right of
citizen must be equal for each citizen and it should reject the idea of
non-equal citizen because it is a problem for the creating of participating
politics. The hierarchy and elitist view occur in Liberal view so it came with
modernism. People can not reflect their citizenship in the political era and
they come across with the non-equality. With the postmodernism, citizen start
to disappear because the races, religion factors become less important so they
became more equal. However, the Liberal system push the system in such a
dilemma and the political participation process become harder in the liberal
system. The postmodernism help organization which hard to see in political era
and people can not contribute the politics because of the liberal democracy and
elitist view.
Lastly, Political participation is
aims to sharing own thought the idea in political area because politics affect
every moment of the life. So, the political participation is a requirement
because people take decision about how they manage and it affect their life
directly. For this reason, they being part of the participation of the politics
so they have voice how they live. But it determines by the cultural backgrounds
and it change in every society in the world because of the different understanding
of the life; the cultures, norms, values, history, geography and other effects.
For this reason, one good politic culture cannot occur in the society and it
became so hard because increasing diversity in civil society. Democracy helps
to equal rights in the society and the living equal life became more easier
because democracy look every member of citizen as an equal. Another factor of technology, technology
helps to increase the political participation rates because people can be part
of the politics easier in different areas such as social media, television etc.
And people can share the common ideas easily in these areas and they can affect
the politics. The different management factors can block, create problems about
the political participation and civil society will be in different system as a
different type. So, it causes the different type of political participation in
different style.
An example about this issue, the
Turkey politic system and political participation behavior understanding.
Turkey politics system is so complicated but I will try to explain. In Turkey,
there were two stick idea which are right and left. This ideas kind of
reflection of the Republic and Ottomans (Islamic view). Before the 90’s, the
left has more power in political life and people attend to vote this view
because of the tradition and culture. The participating rate of right was more
less and it changed after 90’s. The modernist view causes the two-stick idea
and it continued. So, we can see internal effects in this issue and also
external effects too. After 90s, the right view gained more power because the
other view use power and people can not reflect their ideas easily but
democracy show to people equal world so the right view gained power with this
system and they pull the people politics. People being part of the political
area and they started to take decision about their life. Also, traditional
issues help to gather each other and they became powerful because the state
must behave equal to every citizen. But the liberal effects occurred and people
needed to show their idea differently because of the cultural backgrounds so
both right and left ideas diversified and lots of view occurred in Turkish
culture. So, it causes the more different ideas in political area and people
start to support their ideas in different mass media easily so it helps to
increase the political participation and the politic culture turned from
liberal, elitist to democracy with postmodernism. The difference increased in
Turkish politics with different political participation style.
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