Hıstory of 50-60’s Turkısh Polıtıcs
Humanity has always produced some sciences form
beginning of the life. People improve their abilities, skills with these year
by year. One of the important sciences is politics. They have used the politics
in every time period. Because, humanity need to govern by someone. Every nation
picked different ways of political view for the benefit of themselves. In this
article, we will examine a specific time and a nation which played important
role in the progress of the world. This country is Turkey and 1950-1960
political events. The Turkey always acts like a little child and doesn’t have
stable emotion or character. In this country, the chaotic environment never
left from this place and the political movement generally can’t reach
reflection of their people. Therefore, the politics of 1950-1960 can be great
example and summary for this country.
of all, The Turkey catched a great and perfect starting in economy, social
life, modernization after the Independence War. The politics couldn’t evolve
multiparty system until the 1946. In 1946, there is a different party which
Democratic Party (DP) were founded by some politicians. Before this party
established, these politicians were a member of one of the Republican People’s
Party (RPP). The General President of DP is Adnan Menderes. Also, there is
story about his starting of politics life. One day, He met with Mustafa Kemal
Atatürk who founder of Turkey and President of RPP. After this meeting, his
friend voiced to him and sad ‘’Best wishes! You became a Member of Parliament
from Aydın’’. So, he had a role much time in RPP. After the WW2, the world was
changing rapidly and poor economy was affecting every of country in the world
so lots of problems such as poverty occurred in Turkey. DP wanted to change of
Turkey’s future so they joined 1946 elections but they couldn’t win. However,
they started to prepare for 1950 elections.
One of
the important events was occurred in 1950. The single party regime was end after
27 years and DP won the election. So, this event wasn’t expected for RPP, the
Ulus Newspaper writing manager describes this event as follow: When we are
following the result of elections, we heard that RPP got votes more than DP in
one of the Anatolian Village. So, we started to celebrate of winning of 1950
elections but RPP lost the election at end of the day so we didn’t know what we
will publish on newspaper title. This story can be summary of habit about the
single party regime. Before the election, DP present to people that more
democracy, liberal economy, representativeness of every citizen and freedom so
they started to do what they present. So, they continued to do Kemalist and
Islamist reforms together. For example, the adhan was reading in Turkish, they
changed to original form (Arabic) at mosques and they did more democratic
movement because their purpose was representativeness of every citizen.
economical and international aim was having liberal economy and having
Americanist policy because the Soviet Union had already far away to Turkey. In
1950, Turkey send soldiers to Korean War and opened door which NATO. Also,
Turkey was against to Soviet Union side. With Truman Doctrine, Turkey got some
helps for developing. The name of helping was Marshall Aids. This Doctrine was
against to Soviet Union and communism so this time was called the cold war
time. These aids such as corn, agricultural machinery sent to countries which
under the threat of communism. In this way, Turkey had a pretty change to
development in agricultural activities and increasing international trade. The
number of export and import level increased day by day with liberal economy and
some bourgeoisie could improve. All these activities open the connection of the
global economy.
single party regime times, state was directly RPP so it caused some problems
such as using the buildings, newspaper, public homes and so on. DP took
decision about these problems so these institutions, buildings was taken from
RPP. This event also caused the first steps of polarization. At this time,
there was elections of 1954. DP increased votes and felt more powerful. So, DP
couldn’t aware of becoming a typical wining drunkenness and they started to use
way which is single party regime. Some of journalists, intellectuals and
academics saw these problems and they were arrested by DP. This case was not
normal and suit their ideology and some of the DP elites began to oppress the
opposition. Also, some of the member of DP didn’t please about that. For this
reason, they had some problems and they just were quit DP for making their
voices heard by setting up a new party which Freedom Part (HP). Additionally,
the economy was not going well and military was seeing and follow everything what
DP doing. The military was supporting to RPP because of the İsmet İnönü who
hero of the Independence War. For this reason, the military were feeling
unrest. Because of the whole these unfair behaviors, the polarization level was
increasing day by day.
In this part, the one of the worst
black stains happened in Turkey History. The calendar showed up 6th- 7th
September of 1955. The Turkish people showed the chaotic side of them, people
started to behave to non-Muslim people unmercifully. Why they began these kinds
of acts. Everything started with fake newspaper news which Greeks bombed to
Ataturk’s house in Selanik so this reason was enough to encourage to
nationalist side of Turkish people. They began to harm and burn shops, homes,
churches and schools of non-Muslims. Even they killed people. According to
official sources, 4 thousand 214 houses, 1000 workplaces, 73 churches and 25
schools destroyed and 15 non-Muslims killed by the Turkish people in the
context of the 6th-7th September Events. It is called Turkish Kristallnacht.
Therefore, Turkey prestige harmed in global area and migration of the
minorities was increase suddenly. Furthermore, the Turkish economy affected so
badly and state had to pay money to non-Muslim for their loss. It was harmful
for Turkish culture because The Turks always have offered a peaceful and equal
environment for foreign people since the Ottoman Empire. Moreover, Muslim
bourgeoise suddenly (?) took the non-Muslim's shops, houses etc. After whole
events, people learnt that the bomb was placed by the Turkish intelligence
In 1957 elections, DP votes decreased
a little bit so it was sign for the DP about the polarization was increasing
day by day because of the economic problems and oppressive management. Turkish
people almost divided into two parts, which are RPP and DP, and the first
interventionist groups came up among the military. There lots of centers was
established about the polarization, people organized each other on basis what
their views. DP founded the Homeland Front Centers in everywhere of Turkey. One
day, people heard that Ismet İnönü was injured at Uşak and there lots of
attacks happened against to RPP members so it caused the 555k Protests. Why
these protests got this name because protests happened at 5th May of
1960 at 5 o’clock. The military also was following these events nervously so
the idea of coup d’etat was increasing. Finally, the coup d’etat was happened
by ununified and non-monolithic military. There was no connection between
movements and Alparslan Türkeş gave this example for this coup d’etat ‘’When I
arrived to radio station to read coup report, it was incomplete. I completed
the report at radio station than I read it.’’. Additionaly, military arrested
to some DP elites and all civil political institutions suspended. After this
coup d’etat, people showed love to military for unremitting 3 days. Actually,
the military didn’t know what they will do, they were aware of that in short
time. Until the 1 March 1961, the military rules were valid.
To sum
up, 1950-1960 events show us that everything can change in a little while in
Turkey. Every year can bring some problems, events. In my opinion, these years
can be reflection of the Turkey. We sometimes find a good starting but end of
the day, we turn to old times. When Turkey say that this is time to change and
develop, it changes because of unknown reasons. Maybe it can be specific
characteristic of Turkey. One day, I hope that it will change and Turkey will
get what deserve but I know that it definitely will be so hard.
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