the reasons and outcomes of rural to urban and international migration

            People always have inclined to migrate to somewhere for finding new opportunities. There are lots of examples about huge migration movements. In this article, the focusing part is migration of the individual. The main purpose of article is giving detail the reasons and outcomes of rural to urban and international migration. the migration means that moving from their located to different places which are cities or countries because of economic, political or social reasons
            First of all, there are some factors triggering migration from rural to urban. The first one is pushing factors. The factors which not enough opportunities or living conditions so it causes to migration of people. Giving examples is more effective explain these factors. Agricultural and animal husbandry is not enough to keep living, there is not enough insufficient additional activities, the old buildings have some problems like renovation so the cost can not supply by owner. On the other hand, the government investments focus on the urban so rural can not reach ideal health system, education opportunities or enough infrastructure. Second one is attractive factors. These factors can called as opposite of pushing factors. Urban has lots of job options and there is enough infrastructure for every person of urban citizen. Also, there are lots of accessibility of health system, education opportunities or more comfortable home than rural. Last one is forwarder factors. With developing technology, the rural can go to urban easier. Moreover, there is a media so the peasants can see differences of rural and urban so they think that If I have better conditions why I don’t go to urban. With changing of consumption habit, rural start to eat same foods like urban citizen.
           Secondly, the world is changing fast so there are lots of scientific and technological innovations. These cause increase number of migrate. Rural life and rural affect because of that in a bad way. Agricultural and farming decrease day by day so farm lands are getting smaller. Moreover, weeds grow in uncultivated lands and water channels dry in time. Because of the opposite migration, the farm lands open to buildings. Changing of consumption habit modern cause wastes lie behind to huge dumps. Another side is population. Rural population is decrease rapidly and urban is increase so urban infrastructure and transportation problems exist. Also, unemployment and poverty rise huge numbers. However, the population changing change to government politics, government start to investment to urban areas because of the votes. Rural deprives from infrastructure, education opportunities and health options. Traditional nature cultures which consumption, friendly production and architecture methods also affect in a bad way. The urban problems which skewed urbanization and poverty transport to the rural.
           Another one is effects of the family structure. If there is family still living in rural, generally young generation migrates to urban so it causes that rural age average is increase. On the other hand, the family relationship is changing socially and economically in a bad way because they can not see each other recently so young generation. Also, traditional family structure is losing day by day because young generation come across a new city and life. They affect by urban so they have less hierarchy of their parents and systematic relationships start on this point. It also affects to marriage culture because when they are in rural, there is no opportunities for marriage. Moreover, consanguineous marriage is decrease, it can be called as good thing because the consanguineous marriage is not healthy for people. As, women roles change, they become more acceptable from the society. In the villages, they don’t have enough roles, the men more authoritarian and powerful. It can explain like that starting to migration, women had to opportunity to go outside their homes. Surprisingly, the government has to investment for common agricultural policies because they need to agricultural and animal systems so they encouragement to people who living on rural areas with discount of diesel, interest free loans, feed discount, seed aid. The list has lots of encouragements but this one can be summary of changing of agricultural policies. For example, the governments give free farm land to stay on the rural and doing agricultural or animal activities in France. They can have better life than urban but they stay far away of city life. However, staying in rural definitely logical for people in this example. The countries have to do this because of the food and meal needs.
          On the other hand, there is other migration which is international. It has so many similarities with migration of urban to rural. In the up side, it can contain international migration reasons and outcomes. However, there are some differences of this type, we can look these ones.

        Firstly, international migration arises in developed countries in 20th century with industrial revolution. They need to workers so they create option for migration. These countries sign an agreement with other countries. Begin with 1960, the international migration is increase year by year. For example, assignment between Germany and Turkey. Turkey citizens send to Germany as a worker. The worker who one day before being a peasant need to Germany because of economical advantages. In Turkey there is no investment to rural area, urban is coming for first. Rural population doesn’t have investment and famine is crop out. The migration is last option for people but they have to go because the government of Turkey choose the sending people. Because, there is no development project about rural. Migration is also common movement because when they are gone, they live together or near areas. And, create new areas such as Sivaslılar mahallesi. In Germany, they live in the worst conditions but they work in this country for collecting money. Because, they have family in Turkey. Also, when they come back to Turkey, they can buy houses, lands and cars. They don’t have purpose to live what they are gone. On the other hand, they are not still as a peasant, when they turn back, they will be city citizen. There is specific name which is burjuproteria. Their culture and values also changed such as using cutlery. Moreover, none politic interested people choosing because they can look their rights. Their body in Germany but their mind in Turkey because they have families. Their families have money but there is no man. So, the village culture shows the bad side to women more badly. The man who working in another country can be cheat his wife but the women can not come together another man because of the social values. Some of the people stay where they are gone, some of them come back. Also, when they are working, they send or bring currency to Turkey. There are three pattern of migration to EU, which are only man, only woman and together. If they go together, they can bring their children after take decision about staying. If women go only, the family is in poverty. In Turkey, the worker class is increase but currency is increase.
         In conclusion, I talked about the Please mention the main characteristics of peasants and rural life with remembering remember Berger’s and Delaney’s works. Moreover, the migration of urban to rural and international with reasons and outcomes.


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