mechanisms of discrimination
The Social Dominance
Theory focuses on the protecting and maintenance of intergroups hierarchy and
this group is based inequalities continue with three main intergroup behaviors;
aggregated individual discrimination, aggregated institutional discrimination
and behavioral asymmetry. These durations are significantly legitimized with
the help of myths.
1.Aggregated Individual Discrimination
is the behavior of daily and basic discrimination by one individual to another
one. This discrimination can increase to separation between groups in time. For
example, the shop owner can not accept the homeless person as a customer or may
not hire other persons because of their groups.
Institutional Discrimination is that using parser rules, procedures and actions
for discrimination between groups by the public or private institutions. Sometimes
these discriminations are doing conscious, intentionally and clear. Also, sometimes
is not doing unconscious, unintended and covert. For instance, In the late
1800s and early 1900s, many black veterans were denied disability pension by
the Union Army. Additionally, it is using the systematic terror to help maintain
and protect the social hierarchy. The Systematic terror means that the use of violence or threats of violence
disproportionately directed against subordinates. High status level person can
reprieve his/her case by using his/her status. Also, it divided by three;
a) The using the governmental power to
ethnics, racial minorities or the opponents of the regime with mass arrests, trials
without due process of law, extended detention without trial, beatings, and the torture of children in front
of their parents by official terror. For example, In Egypt the regime was
punished with execution by government of coup d’etat or collective punishment to
Palestinians by USA and Israel.
b) Semiofficial terror is the
violence or bullying directed against subordinates. For example, the Cointelpro
can give as an example. It was a series of covert and illegal
projects conducted by the United States Federal Bureau of Investigation aimed
at surveilling, infiltrating, discrediting, and disrupting American political
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