The Globalization In Turkey And Effects of Globalization

      The Globalization In Turkey And Effects of Globalization     



                       The World System has been changed for 200 years. Each country try to keep pace with others. After the industrial revolution, people started to produce more than they need. Moreover, they migrate to urban areas. The migration is cause that population of cities is increased suddenly and effects of migration started. Than, The cities became global cities and people too. After the World Wars, The World system turned liberal system so the cities can connect easily and they started to work as a whole. On the other hand, turkey is part of this system and İstanbul became a global city state. It took lots of migration and it reached 15.070.000 population (TÜİK, 2018) legally . Than, people create a new culture. It is called culture of Istanbul. There are lots of advantages of globalization, but the most important one is using or reaching everything easily. From the other side, there are lots of disadvantages of it, but the significant ones are losing cultural identities.

First of all, The globalization means that ‘’the term globalization to the worldwide intensification of interactions and increased movement of money, people, goods, and ideas within and across national borders.’’ (Guest, 2018, s. 18). It shows to people that If you are living in urban areas and if this area is global. These areas can provide to people everything which great education, job opportunities, social activities etc. For example, Young generation want to travel all over the world and they can do it easily because globalization provide them to do that. When they try to go abroad, they can do it. Moreover, there is a universal language in the world. When they know it, they can use for travelling, shopping, knowledge, universal movements etc. İn the past, there is sılkroad to learn other special things but people can learn, reach one minute what they want with globalization. It makes close to far.

Turkey has a role for this event. The Turkey could improve itself rapidly with globalization because free-trade helped. There is a competition with others so the Turkey try to work more and more like others so the improving is coming unconsciously. It tries to find out global companies for having role this system. For example, Türk Hava Yolları is great example for it. This company works international and has a very important worth. When national companies earn more, countries too.

On the other hand, the globalization has lots of disadvantages, but the most important one is losing cultural uniqueness. ‘’Although globalization promises freedom, prosperity and happiness for all, it is only its advertising. In fact, globalization is based on such extraordinary violence as colonialism. Thanks to globalization, there is no spread of freedom, human rights and democracy. These have now become instruments of justification. Globalization does not liberate, rejuvenate. Globalization claims to have saved people, but it only removes rules. More precisely, it reduces all rules to the law of the market. This is the opposite of freedom. Old-fashioned and aristocratic values ​​such as  honor, test, renunciation no longer matter.’’ (Kolektif, 2016, s. 188)

Firstly, We are going to look steps of globalization. Next, we should look effects.There is no comment about economic side of globalization but it is a idea of western so they don’t want to find something which harmless for them. They have to have more than others, ,it is a rule and history shows us that. They improved themselves easily and they create poor ones with this idea. “If the misery of the poor be caused not by the laws of nature, but by our institutions, great is our

sin.”  (Darwin, 1989, s. Chapter XXI). For this idea, it appears so good, perfect things but this is legal one. This idea cause

richness for rich ones and same thing for poor ones at same equation. ‘’ What we call globalization can be seen as the colonialism of the Western market surrounding the whole planet.’’ (Sayar, 2013, s. 47). After all these economic sides of globalization. There is a bad effect of globalization, which is losing cultural identity. Globalization cause single type person. The whole World wears same thing, doing same thing, think same thing.

For example, People wore clothes which special for their culture in the past. However, they wear same thing now and there is no different between culture, they can not aware who they are, what they learn each other. Cloths are reflection of culture, knowledge, summary of person in the past. In modern tımes, they can not aware and they are just people. From this example, the globalization might related with alienation theory.
‘’ Alienation is the last - and this is true of capitalism - as well as the fact that my means of subsistence relate to someone else, that what I desire is in the inaccessible property of another, that everything is self-contained, that my activity is something else, and that this is true for capitalism. also appears to be inhumane masculinity in the end’’ (Marx, 1988, s. 195). Namely, when people alienate their product as same as what they wear, what they think. They feel different but they do same thing like others and they behave like a robot but they are not aware of it.

Another side of globalization side is relation with modernization. Modernization supplies to people that living high level, imagined superb personality, being respectful to

everyting. Although there are lots of animal behaviours belong to people, they want to see themselves in a high position so they create modernization and support this idea with globalization. The globalization is related so many things, actually everything.

Turkey has so unique cultures. The first established societies in here in the past. The cultre came from there, asia and everywhere because turkey is and was multinational country. Legally it is national but illegally is not. There are lots of nations in turkey’s lands. "Anatolia is a cultural garden with thousands of flowers" (Livaneli, 2016, s. 40). After all of these, Turkey joined the global World and took everything what it saw from this system. These cultural values, norms changed turkey’s culture system and destroyed.
For instance, young generation doesn’t know cultural norms and values. They see only global things because their families lost too. In bayrams, families don’t go their village or elderly kins, they prefer to go to holiday. Even kiss the hand during the fast provides that young ones can learn from elders for this reason young ones should be respectful their elderly kins. It is sign of emotions. People can show their emotions with behaviors. The father's kissing the child's hand is compassionate, the child's father's hand is kissing worship, the husband's wife's hand is kissing the desire, the person's religion is kissing the brother's hand, religion," (Şekerci, 1972, s. 175). The globalization cause extinction of cultures. People becomes a single type person and they are losing their cultural heritages. If we think culture as a building, culture is building foundation. 

What holds people together? There can be many answers to this: common history (history), economic integrity, unity of religion and language (culture),
geographical space, common goals ... When it is severely damaged, it becomes what separates them. (Alogan, 2015)
In conclusion, there are lots of advantages and disadvantages of globalization but it’s rule of the world. The system required that people, countries, nations have to comply it because If they want to continue their life they have to do that. In Turkey, Turkey has to do that too but Turkey has really unique traditions, culture, the losing all of these will be sad. There is no solutions of it. People is changing, the world is changing. Countries have to join this game to  survive. ‘’One has to follow the world!’’ (Dickens, 2004, s. 115). People should be aware the World and they makes a claim to their culture, traditions, values, norms, histories and so on. If they want to enjoy their life and see the reality.


Alogan, Y. (2015). İnsanları bir arada tutan şey. Haziran 21, 2019 tarihinde adresinden alındı
Darwin, C. (1989). The Voyage of the Beagle. (J. Browne, Dü.) Tierra del Fuego: Penguin Classics.
Dickens, C. (2004). David Copperfield. (A. Bergin, Çev.) Türkiye: Alfa Yayıncılık.
Guest, K. J. (2018). Essential of Cultural Anthropology. United States: W.W. Norton & Company, Inc.
Kolektif. (2016). Sosyoloji (Günlük Yaşamı Anlamak). (M. Çağlayandereli, Dü.) Türkiye: Paradigma Akademi Yayınları.
Livaneli, Z. (2016). Yaşar Kemal (Gözüyle Kartal Avlayan Yazar). Türkiye: Doğan Kitap.
Marx, K. (1988). Economic & Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844. Prometheus Books.
Sayar, K. (2013). Özgürlüğün Baş Dönmesi. Türkiye: Timaş Yayınları.
Şekerci, O. (1972). Kaynaklarımıza Göre Islâm Terbiyesi. İstanbul: Çanakkale Seramik Fabrikaları Kültür ve Araştırma Hizmetleri.
Türkiye İstatistk Kurumu (2018). Population Amount. Haziran 21, 2019 tarihinde adresinden alındı


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