Social creativity and the conditions
The social creativity can explain with the main title so we should start
to Social Identity Theory (SIT) which is founded by Henri Tajfel and John Turner. Moreover, they are
saying that people have the system of subjective faith about the social
structure. This theory explains the analyzing internal group dynamics, intergroup
relations and collective self. Also, it is a social psychology theory. People
judge their society as a permeability, legitimacy and permanence so it causes different
ideas which social change and social mobility. In social mobility, individual
can move between high and low status groups so it blocks the collective
actions. In social change, we focus on the social creativity. It means that individual
accept the situation as a legitimate and unchangeable and if individuals can
not find a cognitive solution, they use the social creativity. Also, there are
three type of social creativity;
the in-group to the out-group on some new dimension. The individuals can find
different way to compare their groups in different area so it can turn the
value judgments from bad to good. The Independence War can give as an example. Before
the coming to Çanakkale, The Anzacs thought that Turkish are monster but Turkish soldier changed
this idea with honorable fighting. Another example is Kobe Bryant. He is black
but every person of USA loves him thanks to basketball.
the values assigned to the attributes of the group. The main aim is changing ideas
which thinking from other people. An example, ‘’We are colored’’. The LGBT members
use this title to changing people ideas about the LGBT members. Another example
is ‘’Black is beautiful’’ and it is using by black people for changing the
untrue ideas.
the out-group (or selecting the out-group) with which the in-group is compared.
It is comparing inside of the group or another low-status group. For example, the
American black people see low to some blacks who coming from Africa and they
called them as Afro-American. Also, this case is interesting because the
comparing of white – black can sometimes see interest less than between American
black to African black.
To sum up, the conditions of this strategy
are having a inequal conditions, not having directly changing change, feeling
low-status because of the where you born or who you are feeling confident,
these are can be say for it.
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